You Are Not Stuck Yoga
The world spins madly. Thank goodness for yoga.

Move. Breathe. Connect.
That’s the practice at its most simple.
Yoga is not doing fancy poses on the beach at sunset for Instagram. Rather, it’s about learning to feel and engage the joints, the muscles, the organs; to breathe in ways that focus, energize and soothe; to connect to the grace, wisdom, stillness and stardust that exist both within and around; and to set ourselves up to be on this planet for as long as possible.
That’s why I have been practicing yoga for nearly 25 years and teaching for about 20, everywhere from community centers and national yoga centers to corporate offices and individual clients’ homes. Since 2020, I’ve led online practices from my living room.
Whether you’re an experienced practitioner, stepping foot onto a mat for the first time or somewhere in between, I invite you to share practice with me. It’s intentional, enjoyable and modifiable for all levels. Drop in for a single class or choose a monthly membership. You are welcome anytime!
Live classes every Tuesday and Thursday. Recordings too!
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Live Classes

Choose Your Practice Path
Your practice can be as flexible as you are. Whether you’re dropping in for a single class or making yoga a regular part of your routine, there’s an option that fits your schedule and style.
Try it out, no strings attached. Perfect for dipping your toes in or catching class when your schedule allows.
Make yoga a consistent part of your week with two live classes, plus one recording to do later or again. Find your rhythm, practice on your schedule, and save some money.
$129 / mo.
Your all-access pass to finding your flow, your way. Drop into any live class, access the full library of practices as they’re added, and discover meditations that help you feel centered on and off the mat.
Yoga Monthly Deluxe +
$149 / mo.
The best of both worlds, for less. Get unlimited yoga plus Becky’s weekly CIRCLE gatherings. Your space for both physical practice and soulful connection.
Remember, you don’t have to have your sh*t together to go to yoga; you go to yoga to get your sh*t together!
Pick Your Practice Time
Ready to move, breathe, and maybe get your sh*t together? Choose a class time that works for you. Whether you’re an early bird or catching a recorded session at midnight – there’s no wrong time to show up for yourself.
Let’s Talk Custom Practice
To inquire about individual and corporate sessions, please fill out this form and we will get back to you ASAP.

Listening to neuroscientist and meditation expert Sam Harris talk with Dax Shepard on the Armchair Expert Podcast about the importance of living an examined life and I keep rewinding to the part when Sam describes “the negligence of our lives.”
“We’re not using our time wisely if, at the end of every given day, the honest assessment would be, ‘Why the hell did I spend my time that way?,’ he said. ‘That’s a catastrophe. That’s you losing the only real resource you have, which is your time here.”
This takes me back to a point maybe 20 years ago, pre-kids, when my primary focus in life was climbing the corporate ladder. In those days, I prided myself that I was one of the first ones in and last ones out of the office each day. In the winter, it was dark when I got there and dark when I went home. I rarely left for lunch. I worked hard, produced good stuff, and was rewarded with raises and promotions. I was a machine, and I thought I was happy.
But all work and no play doesn’t just make you dull, as the old saying goes. It can make you hollow. Robotic. Make you lose touch with the world around you.
For a string of months one year, I had holed up in my office, head down, and barely noticed as winter gave way to spring. One day a meeting about an hour away gave me some much-needed alone time in the car. I swatted away the automatic inclination to get on the phone and keep work moving; instead, I opened the sun roof and marveled at spring exploding.
After a while, I began to sob with the realization that life was happening around me and I’d been too preoccupied to notice. I called a girlfriend back at the office. “There are leaves on the trees,” I cried, but she couldn’t make out my words between hiccups and chokes. “THERE ARE LEEEEEEAVES ON THE TREEEEEEEEES,” I repeated.
These days, we laugh at the absurdity of the moment, but back then… those words symbolized the fact that a whole season had passed me by and, no matter how badly I wanted, I couldn’t get it back for a do-over. All I could ask was, “Why the hell did I spend my time that way?”
When I finally left the corporate world eight long years later (about a dozen years ago), many saw it as unexpected. Impulsive, even. And in some ways, it was. But in truth that decision was several seasons in the making. If I could go back in time, I’d like to tighten up that space between when I first understood my situation wasn’t working to the moment that I finally did something about it. But, of course, we can’t change the past. We can only learn from it.
What I know now is that time is precious, precious currency not to be squandered. It is finite AF and it presses ahead – methodically, relentlessly, unapologetically – no matter how desperately we may want to hit the pause button. We can no more ask it to “hang on a sec” than we could ask a desperately swollen river to “hold it in just a little longer,” and when we waste it, we stay empty. So the question becomes: What are we gonna fill up with?
Now, I’m not suggesting everyone unhappy with their jobs go out and quit them (though that may well be warranted for some). And you know this conversation extends far beyond jobs; fact is, we can be prisoners in just about any aspects of our lives.
Point is: just because things have BEEN a certain way, doesn’t mean they need to STAY a certain way. You’ve got to give yourself permission to make a mid-course correction, to realize that priorities shift over time and new dreams take shape. You’ve got to believe that you can make a life based on the choices of today instead of the momentum of the past. And, most importantly, you must never waste a second on a life that no longer fits, one you don’t like to wake up to, one that keeps you numbing out just to get through it, one that’s hollow or one you regret, when you instead can be creating one that fills you up.
I love you. Keep asking the important questions, no matter how scary the answers are. ... See MoreSee Less
There’s a lot of noise right now, around and within. Deafening, steal-your-sanity noise, like the torture tactic of blaring death metal at prisoners just as they’re about to fall asleep.
We can’t, unfortunately, shut off the sound at its source. But we can work our side of the equation.
Advice from a yoga teacher: Breathe in ways that soothe fried nervous systems. Not shallow, autopilot breaths... but big, deep, intentional ones.
Slow inhale, full exhale, on repeat.
We can’t do any good for anyone if we are acutely or chronically dysregulated. Amid the cacophony, regulation is a form of power.
It’s one way we resist.
#breathe #yoga #selfregulation #youarenotstuck ... See MoreSee Less
So. The world is insane and it’s hard to pay attention to *close in* stuff when all the *out there* stuff is this fucking chaotic.
I find myself feeling slow and heavy under the uncontrollability of it all. And yet – amid my anger and disgust and concern – there is still dinner to make and business to tend to and teenagers to argue with and kitty litter to scoop.
We march forward.
But everything need not be a drudge. Even in heaviness there can be lightness.
Right now I’m finding that light in the company of other women. For example:
About a week ago, I met a woman who felt like a sister I knew intrinsically but hadn’t yet met. I felt it from the very first hug: a new friend. Then last weekend was spent with an incredible group of genuine,unique, wise-ass sober women. Still flying from that!
Monday began with a cherished hour with women I’ve known for nearly a decade, an hour that is engraved into my weekly calendar, an hour that is nonnegotiable. Then I enjoyed getting to know someone whose path of seeking is familiar to my own.
Today, it was my standing Wednesday meeting of THE CIRCLE, where we get real and deep and supported, AND, later, a zoom spent laughing and laughing and laughing with a friend of a friend I’d never met. I was as if we had known one another for years, not mere minutes.
If there’s a point to me sharing this, I suppose it’s a nudge to cultivate the kind of people you want around you. Remember, for the most part, we get to *choose* who we spend time, who gets our energy, whose vibes we take in.
So choose wisely! Be open! Make new connections, whether for yourself or for a friend. (I mean, who doesn’t love being introduced to rad new people?!) Don’t be shy, either… some of the coolest cats in my orbit are ones I just walked up said hi to. (This works online and IRL.)
Whether you call it networking, connecting, introducing, getting to know, etc… now is an especially important time to bring good people *close in.*
If there’s someone you think I should know, or people you want to connect with each other, do it here! Might just be the gift they, and you, need today. 🤍 ... See MoreSee Less