Thank U, Whoever U Are

I received the sweetest note today from a friend of You Are Not Stuck on Facebook: “Thank u, whoever u are.” I chuckled out loud when I saw that, realizing that I haven’t properly introduced myself to the thousands of people who have joined our community in the past few weeks. So, here goes…

My name is Becky – Becky Vollmer – and I’m the real, live person behind the page. I’m a writer, mom and yoga teacher. I live with my insanely patient husband and two energetic young daughters in my hometown of St. Louis, MO.

 becky vollmer bwRandomly, I’ll tell you that I’ve got an unrelenting sweet tooth and I talk like a sailor. I’m 40 years old and laugh lines frame my hazel eyes, but I don’t mind. I love walking the streets of Paris in the rain (and the sun and the snow and the fog). I simply adore my girlfriends, even if a few of them are men. I can’t stand arrogance, the feeling of always rushing, and the inevitable truth that bad things happen to good people. I have no time for power trips, bullshit, and fear.

I created the Facebook community as a way to spread the message of empowerment and choice. Over the years, I’ve been stuck in the wrong marriage, stuck in the wrong job, stuck in bad habits. I was not immune to feelings of powerlessness and going nowhere, even as the view from the outside in told a much different story. But I’d like to think I’m living proof that that, despite feeling otherwise, we are not stuck in circumstances and patterns that neither serve nor define us.

Career had long been my life’s focus – first as a newspaper reporter, later in political campaigns, and then more than a dozen years in public relations. For me, the ultimate act of getting unstuck happened in early 2013, when I traded the handcuffs of a six-figure corporate paycheck for the privilege of pursuing my dreams — and after many years of doing it on the side, I took up teaching yoga full time. (If you also practice, you’ll notice the point of view on this page is deeply rooted in yoga philosophy.) To those who didn’t know me all that well, it appeared to be an out-of-character U-turn; to me, it felt like coming home.

 Then, three months ago, I launched You Are Not Stuck on Facebook. From that grew this blog. And now, with your incredibly gracious and humbling encouragement, I’m working on the book version .

My intention is to translate the wisdom of the great sages and seekers (ancient and contemporary) and the lessons learned along my journey so far to help others. I want to help you find your confidence… to realize that you, too, have options… that you, too, are strong. I believe with my whole heart that the lives we want are absolutely possible — IF we can visualize our dreams, believe in ourselves, and commit to doing the courageous work necessary to make them come true.

Plain and simple: We are lucky to HAVE choices; we just have to be BRAVE enough to make them.

As always, I thank you for taking the time to be here, for being part of the conversation, for spreading the word. It’s a pleasure to “meet” you.


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