I’ve done all that and more. Bits of it still peek out sometimes if I’m not tuned in. But I’ve learned all that is nothing more than the Ego throwing up roadblocks to distract from dealing with WHAT’S REALLY WHAT.
Getting your peace back takes going to the root, down deep, underneath all the fear and the barriers and the so-called coping mechanisms that really don’t help us cope at all.
Truth: Sometimes you have to sit with your shit as a way to work through it.
You can’t ignore it and hope it goes away… can’t medicate it into the background… can’t keep calling it by another name. As one of my kids’ favorite stories goes: “We can’t go under it, we can’t go over it, we’ve got to go through it.”
So dig to the roots. Peel away the protective layers. Get low to the ground and raw with yourself and work through the shit. Let it be messy if it needs to be messy. But do not wallow, for you are not stuck. You are smart and strong and all you need to shape your reality is right there inside.