“Dance like no one is watching… Because they are not… They are checking their phone.” For today, let’s all lay down all the little ways in which we hold ourselves back:The fears over what people will think…
The worry that we somehow won’t measure up to the crushing weight of expectations: the “coulds”… the “woulds”… the “shoulds”)…The second-guessing… the “what ifs”… the “if onlys”…For today, let’s remember that it’s not ALL about us. Everybody’s got a sack of rocks.
So LET’S NOT CARE about any of that and instead let’s BE who we are.
Let’s DREAM BIG and move deliberately in the direction of the lives we want, even if we travel just a millimeter at a time.
Let’s be BOLD and HAPPY and leave a gorgeous trail of FAIRY DUST in our wake.
Let’s be absolutely MAGICAL.
Because we are.
And when the world looks up from its phone to see, let them see THAT.